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Minimyzr - Frequently Asked Questions


What is an Origin

Minimyzr defines the Origin as a reference point for all web pages addressable on a website. This reference embodies the protocol, such as https:// and the domain name, for example, ''.

The Origin includes the URL '', ensuring all web pages are included in any collated data collection.

For most websites the Origin will be the same as the home or root page of the site.

Minimyzr Origins collects, collates and presents the Origin view of a website. The Origin view is the averaging of data for every observed webpage.

This means that for each metric, such as the core web vital Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), the value represents the average of all observed LCP timing values for the web site.

Collection of Origin data over time enables historical and trending analysis to be easily achieved.

Observing critical metrics in this way provides for a valuable method of management reporting.


What method of Payment can I use?

Minimyzr AI Professional is a subscription-based service based on either monthly or annual subscriptions. Setting up a subscription is easy as both debit and credit card payments only are accepted. All major debit/credit card providers are accepted including Mastercard, Visa and Amex.

Minimyzr Origins is a free-to-use service and as it is not a subscription-based service it does not require either a debit or credit card to sign-up for the service.

Do you provide an invoice?

For all subscription-based services an invoice will be emailed to the email address provided by the subscriber when payment has been made. An email invoice will also be sent on successful completion of each subscription renewal.

For subscribers, Minimyzr AI provides billing and account services including access to invoice history.

How do I manage my account?

The Minimyzr portal provides facilities to enable management of your account and form subscribers, further features are provided to facilitate access and control over billing and account services.

Is there a refund policy?

We do not provide refunds for any of our subscription-based services. However, if you decide to downgrade your package to a non-subscription service, your existing subscription will remain in-place until the expiration of the subscription plan.