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In 3 minutes our AI discovers website speed improvements that would take your developers 3 months.

With Minimyzr AI recommendations applied any website will load faster resulting in increased conversions and revenue.

Increased revenues and excellent customer experience from a fast website

Minimyzr enables you to speed up your website in seconds

Rapid Discovery


Automate the identification and resolution of website speed and customer experience issues

Accelerated Development


With Minimyzr"s pre-determined solutions performance enhancements can be implemented faster enabling developers to focus on core business actibities.

Evaluate Web Performance over time


With focused benchmarks the performance impact of code changes are easy to observe.

Target by Device, Network and Location


Analyze your website from any perspective, irrespective of device type, network connection or international location.

Observe and Improve Critical Metrics


Stay aware of critical Core Web Vitals and other Performance metrics.

Compare Against Your Competition


Evaluate the on-line competitiveness of your website on critical performance metrics.

Precision and Depth


Across the technology stack, Minimyzr identifies anything that could be make your website faster.

Continual Performance Improvement


Manage development of site performance with targeted recommendations.

Rapid Discovery

Rapid Discovery

Our unique approach identifies hundreds of website improvement opportunities that are not found in competitor platforms.

Our zero-tolerance approach to performance delay ensures that your website is optimized for performance.

Selection of Minimyzr AI recommendations
Increased revenues and excellent customer experience from a fast website

Accelerated Development

Accelerated Development

Streamline your development timeline. Our AI platform not only identifies potential improvements but also delivers actionable solutions

Prepared recommendations saves valuable development time enabling earlier deployment of UX enhancing solutions.

Evaluate Web Performance Over Time

Evaluate Web Performance Over Time

Benchmarks are at the core of Minimyzr AI. Organized around sprint intervals, our AI provides insight and narrative on opportunities to boost performance.

The AI reports show the changes that have been applied and what impact they have had.

Minimyzr AI Delta report summary
Increased revenues and excellent customer experience from a fast website

Target by Device, Network and Location

Target by Device, Network and Location

As location, network speed and device type all impact on the User Experience received, Minimyzr provides the ability to observe and analyze in any environment.

Establishing a web page configuration for Minimyzr AI is quick and easy to achieve.

Observe and Improve Critical Metrics

Observe and Improve Critical Metrics

As Core Web Vitals are an integral component of SEO success our reports provide insights into these and other important performance metrics.

With access to benchmark and Page Speed Insights data a complete picture of performance across the website can be obtained.

Minimyzr AI Delta report summary
Increased revenues and excellent customer experience from a fast website

Compare Against Your Competition

Compare Against Your Competition

Knowing how your competitors are performing enables you to ensure you are always one-step ahead.

Through our competitive reporting capabilities both a current and historical perspective of your industry segment is achievable.

Precision and Depth

Precision and Depth

Our analysis targets the exact code or aspect of infrastructure impacting on performance slowdown.

Targeting exact resources enables pragmatic recommendations to be formulated to mitigate potential bottlenecks or initiate enhanced performance.

Minimyzr AI Delta report summary
Selection of Minimyzr AI recommendations

Continual Performance Improvement

Continual Performance Improvement

Raise quality and maintain optimum performance by regularly implementing performance enhancements.

As part of a continual improvement programme, the consistent application of performance enhancements, even small ones, in every sprint results in large aggregated benefits.